
Example Code

function InjectModuleA(const hProcess: THandle; 
                        lpFullDLLName: PAnsiChar): BOOL; stdcall;

function InjectModuleW(const hProcess: THandle; 
                        lpFullDLLName: PWChar): BOOL; stdcall;

- Injects a library (DLL) into the specified target process
- Arg1 process handle or special system-wide flags (ALL_PROCESSES, RUNNING_PROCESSES, NEW_PROCESSES)
- Arg2 fully qualified path to the library (DLL) to be injected into the target process
// Injects a DLL into the calling process
var bResult: BOOL; begin bResult := InjectModuleW(GetCurrentProcess(), PWChar('C:\DLL.dll')); if (bResult) then ShowMessage('DLL injected successfully!') else ShowMessage('Failed to inject DLL!'); end;